Dampol SP. Z.O.O.

Dampol SP. Z.O.O. is our Polish site from where we buy and sell unweaned calves, starter calves, cattle for slaughter, pigs, sheep and heavy livestock in East Europe. At our Polish site we have a European control post, which is also used for third parties.  Dampol also has its own lorries.
Dampol SP. Z.O.O.
Gdańska 130, IV Piętro (4th floor),
90-520 Łódź, Polen
NIP 884-00-23-272
Tel. +31 (0)511 463876
Fax. +31 (0)511 464842
Email: info@damveebv.nl  

Purchasing and sales:

Arie Jan van Dam +31 (0)6-53363185 ariejan@damveebv.nl
Gert Jan van Dam +31 (0)6-55186247 gertjan@damveebv.nl
Martijn van Dam +31 (0)6-14992220 martijn@damveebv.nl